Nissin Seiko Corporation


  • Preserving technologies

    Preserving technologies

    We manufacture molds for plastic products. Environmental concerns around plastic are more urgent these days and there is a tendency to try to cut down on plastic use. But plastic won’t disappear entirely, and we are committed to the preservation of our technology as long as there is demand.

  • Supporting the Local Youth Support Station initiative

    Supporting the Local Youth Support Station initiative

    We are a registered Local Youth Support Station partner, offering work experience opportunities to people who find it hard to get a job. When we host factory tours recently, some of those youths served as guides, and the experience brought about great change in them. We were impressed by the way they spoke, loudly and clearly, and by how much effort they put into learning about our business. We could see the enthusiasm in their eyes! This showed us how doing tasks outside the scope of our everyday jobs can sometimes yield unexpected knock-on benefits for the core business.

  • Committed to equality

    Committed to equality

    Cleaning rota: We believe in collectively responsibility for keeping everything clean and tidy. That’s why we have a staff rota for cleaning the factory, starting with the toilets. There is no distinction between the president and the employees - everyone is equal and does their bit.
    Equal employment status for all: We do not employ any non-Japanese workers currently, but at those times when we do, it is always on the same employment terms as Japanese workers.