Seiko SCM Corporation

Creating an environment that encourages long-term employment
To improve employee retention believe it is important to offer a fulfilling work environment as well as sufficient time for private relaxation to support mental and physical wellbeing. Why not, for example, four-day work weeks, allow staff to bring their pets into work?
Eliminating borders, not just on a gender basis
Equality more than just a gender issue; we seek to eliminate other types of borders, too, such as those between departments and businesses. Our premises have been renovated so that the office area and the factory floor are on the same level in an open-plan environment with no doors separating them. We also hope to establish a shared factory space to encourage stronger ties with manufacturing businesses.
In-house entrepreneur system
Mindful of the impending shortage of leadership talent, we launched an in-house entrepreneur system, based on the principle that business succession planning and the nurturing of entrepreneurs are part of the same process. One of our employees has already recently begun to take steps toward starting their own business.
“The Five Crop Factory”
In our industry, collaboration between businesses is vital. We use an agricultural analogy to describe our approach: The Five Crop Factory. Our five “crops” are: 1) Products; 2) Knowledge; 3) People; 4) Art and technique; and 5) Shops. The Fascinating Factory Tour and Co-Bar initiative (when factory workers and local people share a drink together at the factory) are examples of this approach in action.